Mongolian Chicken & Noodles

  1. Get any type of noodles you’d like, and start boiling them in a pot of water
  2. Take two chicken breasts, and cut them into bite sized pieces
  3. Sear them in an oiled pan, and add some garlic and onions. Let this cook until the chicken is cooked through.
  4. Then, add in broccoli. (You can add any other veggies you’d like at this time as well). The reason you want to add the broccoli after everything else, is because you want it to still be crunchy when you eat it. Cook for about two minutes.
  5. Then, pour on the sauce
    1. To make the sauce you need:
      1. 2 tbsp oyster sauce
      2. 2.5 tbsp soy sauce
      3. 1 tbsp brown sugar
      4. 2 tsp sesame oil
  6. If you like the sauce sweeter, add more sugar. If you want it to be spicy, add some red chili flakes as well! If you need more sauce, just double the recipe. If you need less, cut it in half.
  7. Combine the sauce, chicken, and vegetables together. Add your noodles to the pan, too. Mix it all up and enjoy!

mongolian food

(Picture of my dish. I also added some raw onions at the end, because we like onions!)